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General Description of the Reflection Assignments: Reflective writing constitutes a specific form of academic writing. It expresses a deep understanding of the readings (including their

General Description of the Reflection Assignments: Reflective writing constitutes a specific form of academic writing. It expresses a deep understanding of the readings (including their primary content, theoretical underpinnings, concepts, and ideas discussed and proposed). And, it also conveys considering own ideas, professional situations, deliberations, that are expressed in this form of writing. It conveys a dialogue between your reading, your thoughts, and how you write about them. A reflection should reveal your interpretation and understanding of the readings, and your comprehension and personal understanding of it, which gets translated into your own writing. This writing format represents the interactions between the writer, the text(s), and what results in writing. The reflection could focus on the module content and readings where the reflection appears as a required assignment and could also include references (comments, concepts, etc.) from the previous 2-3 modules if they are relevant. This course requires the production of 2 (two) reflections. They will be identified as writing assignments per specific modules. Reflections’ format: An overview of the general guidelines for the format for the reflection submissions: each should be between 1-2 pages max, double-spaced, font: Times New Roman/ Arial, size 12. It should include at least one reference from the readings, cited or paraphrased. Each description of the focus topic for the reflection will be included in the respective modules when they are due. Very Important: -You can revisit some of the content and readings related to student development theories (critical theoretical perspectives, environmental theories, etc.); crisis management; academic student affairs partnerships; counseling and helping skills; teaching and facilitation; among others. -Reflections must include some reference (quote, paraphrasing, etc.) from the different readings we use in the course.

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