Formulate a Business plan to show fundraising to see where we could potentially get the cost to change conferences to the MEAC ( MIDEASTEARN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE) from the SIAC WE (Morehouse college) as well as helping morehouse transfer to a division 2 to division 1 school by transefering to the meac. ARE CURRENTLY IN. IT WILL COST 1.8 MILLION DOLLARS. I AM TASKED TO COME UP WITHA POWERE POINT EXPLAINING HOW I CAN RAISE THE CPAITAL TO DO SO AND WHERE THE FUNDS SHOULD BE ALLOCATED TO. CURRENTLY ATTACHED BELOW IS THE Case study report on the Meac conference and Morehouse, with quantitatice data and where morehouse is financially and how comoparable morehouse is to the other competitors in the MEAC. And the other power point attached is the information i already have for the slides but you may expound upon this please.
Price 1.8million to transfer
Audience Anyone with Capital
Tell A story for us to be able to have
At the end here our options to raise the capital to transfer to MEAC
Rn we are running our program at 6 million dollar budget for us to close the gap we have to???
and select specific target auduineces we may raise capital from
below attached is a canva slide presentation that has not been completed butvyou may take information from there as well as attached is the consulting report for Morehouse to move to division 2 to division 1 in athletics
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