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EDU 665 Chapter 1 Assignment: Roots of Applied Behavior Analysis Briefly define the 4 components below that result in a viable explanation of behavior (why we behave the way we do): Inclusiveness

EDU 665 Chapter 1 Assignment: Roots of Applied Behavior Analysis

  1. Briefly define the 4 components below that result in a viable explanation of behavior (why we behave the way we do):
  2. Inclusiveness
  3. Verifiability
  4. Predictive utility
  5. Parsimony
  6. Give an example of each of the following “explanations” for behavior covered in chapter 1. Place a star (*) by the one that the authors support as having all 4 components needed to be a valid explanation.
  7. Biophysical (& Biochemical)
  8. Developmental
  9. Cognitive
  10. Behavioral
  11. Describe the contributions to applied behavior analysis made by the following:
  12. Ivan Pavlov
  13. Edward Thorndike
  14. John Watson
  15. B.F. Skinner
  16. Using your textbook and the article “Behaviorism” by Melissa Standridge

found under Content, define the following terms and give an example of each:

  1. consequences
  2. positive reinforcement
  3. negative reinforcement
  4. punishment

  1. Refer to the section, “The Task of the Behaviorist”, on page 15 of the textbook and to page 1 of Standridge’s article. A behaviorist explains the development of behavior in terms of learning principles or theories. Therefore, a behaviorist is primarily concerned with observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. Explain these two aspects.
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