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Digital Corpora have given us the right to use their scenario in our assignment. These are fictitious scenarios. You are a forensics investigator. You are to choose one of t

Assignment Overview

Digital Corpora have given us the right to use their scenario in our assignment. These are fictitious scenarios. You are a forensics investigator. You are to choose one of the following cases to solve. You are required to complete an Expert Witness Report for a court examining the case. It is expected to use multiple tools and techniques to establish the claim.

Choose of the following Digital Corpora Scenarios:

  • Nitroba University Harassment Scenario — A fun-to-solve network forensics scenario.
  • M57-Patents — A complex scenario involving multiple drives and actors set at a small company over the course of several weeks.
  • National gallery DC 2012 — a fictional attack on the National Gallery DC, foiled in 2012.
  • 2018 Lone Wolf Scenario — A scenario involving the seizure of the laptop of a fictional person planning a mass shooting.


  • Report (~10 pages with screenshots, not including the appendicies)
  • Cover Page: Name, Student ID, Subject Code.
  • Executive Summary (1 Mark)
  • Introductions (1 Mark)
  • Actors (2 Marks)
  • Inventory (2 Marks)
  • Timeline of Events (2 Marks)
  • Key Findings (with techniques such as RAM, Network, USB, Phone, and Search Analysis) (10 Marks = 3.333 Marks x 3)
  • Appendix: Tools Generated Reports (2 Marks
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