This assignment will address the following objectives:
- CO-3: Apply industry driven techniques for designing, developing, deploying, and securing enterprise applications.
- CO-4: Develop major life cycle deliverables like Vision Document, SRS (Software Requirements Specification) , or SDD (System Design Document).
- CO-5: Create models using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) UML.
Assignment 8 Object Oriented UML Class Diagram
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a UML Class Diagram for the Case Study and add it to your SRS Section E. We are creating an analysis (domain) class diagram, so we are going to put it in the SRS.
Assignment Directions
1. Rename your previously submitted SRS.
Rename your previously completed SRS from Assignment 6 like Assignment8FinalDraftSRSYourlastnameYourfirstname using your name.
2. Complete SRS Section E.1 FCS Class Diagram by creating a UML compliant Class Diagram for the Case Study.
Create an analysis class diagram and place it in Section E.1 in your SRS. Use (see the Overview for directions for to create a UML compliant Class Diagram using the Case Study and any documents you have completed. The class diagram must include various classes where each class includes attributes and methods. In addition, the class diagram must include relationships with names and multiplicity constraints.
There are instructions in the Content Modules and video examples for you to view. The Case Study identifies some of the classes and their attributes and operations. Your class diagram must follow UML guidelines and standards for symbols used, naming conventions, and relationships with multiplicity constraints. The class diagram is similar to the ERD you developed earlier for the database design for domain entities that you need to design the database except that a class diagram may also include operations/methods which indicate the functionality of the class. Class diagrams also use different notation than ERDs.
Include attributes for each class. Attributes are named beginning with a lowercase letter and must be one word. For example one of the classes is Patient with attributes of id (assigned by the system); firstName, lastName; address; home phone number; work phone; cell phone; email address; Social Security identification number; Medicare card number; insurance company name, account number. address, phone; username; password; emergency contact; and other detailed information.
Operations are named with upper case letter and must be one word. The operations might come from some of the use cases or CRUD techniques discussed in the Content Modules. Some of the operations for the class Patient includes scheduleAppointment(), changeAppointment(), cancelAppointment(), viewAppointment(), and other methods (operations). You could also have getter and setter methods to retrieve the values of the Patient and to change values. For example, for each of the attributes for Patient you would have methods (operations) like getPatientID(), getPatientFirstName(), setPatientID(), setPatientFirstName(), etc. Notice the naming and the use of () for operations/methods.
Finally you need to add relationships and multiplicity constraints between the classes and include a name for each relationship. Relationships are named with a verb phrase. So for example you might have the relationship “schedule” between Patient and Appointment.
Each Patient may schedule one or more Appointment(s) (0..*)
Each Appointment is scheduled for one (1) Patient.
Notice how we can phrase the relationships in both directions—from Patient to Appointment and from Appointment to Patient. The word “may” is indicated by the 0 in the multiplicity constraint and indicates that patients may not have an appointment scheduled. The number 1 indicates that if there is an appointment, it is for one Patient.
Thus the requirements for your UML class diagram include the following:
- class diagram
- classes
- attributes for each class
- operations include “normal” operations, getter operations, and setter operations for each class
- relationships including named relationships with multiplicity constraints
As you progress through the SDLC the class diagram may be used to represent software components like forms, web pages, controllers, and other types of design objects. For example, controller classes may be used to control each use case. The concept of an entity for an ERD includes only attributes and relationships and is for database design. On the other hand, a class is the specification of the attributes, operations, and relationships that a group of objects have in common. For relationships include a name on the relationship line and multiplicity constraints. You must show attributes, methods, and relationships with names (usually verb phrases like a Department “is assigned” many employees.) and multiplicity constraints.
See the example class diagram for Holiday Travel Vehicles in your textbook on p. 523.
2. Complete SRS Section E.2 Class Definitions by defining each class in the Class Definitions table.
For each class include its definition in Section E.2. Use the phrase “A (add the name of your class here) is a …” and complete the definition. Substitute names for each of your classes in the phrase. For example “A Student is a Person who is enrolled in the University”.
3. Complete Section E3 Class Diagram Discussion of your SRS including a discussion of your class diagram.
4. Make any corrections needed to your SRS.
Submit your assignment below.
Grading Rubric
1. SRS Section E.1 Class Diagram (30)
Complete a domain UML compliant class diagram including attributes, operations, and named relationships with multiplicity constraints based on the Case Study and place it in Appendix Section E.1 in your SRS.
2. SRS Section E.2 Class Definitions (30)
Complete definitions of classes in the Class Diagram for the Case Study following template in Appendix E.2 Class Definitions of the SRS. Use the phrase “A (add the name of your class here) is a …” and complete the definition. Substitute names for each of your classes in the phrase. For example “A Student is a Person who is enrolled in the University”.
3. Section E.3 Class Diagram Discussion (30)
Complete the discussion of the class diagram in Section E3 Class Diagram Discussion of your SRS.
4. Writing Format (10)
Write the document in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise. The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand. Correct terminology was used when needed. Original formatting is maintained