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This assignment comprises a 2000-word essay titled “Māori health disparities in

This assignment comprises a 2000-word essay titled “Māori health disparities in Aotearoa New Zealand”
Aim: The aim of this assignment is for the student to analyse the historical and contemporary experiences
of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand and how health disparities impact on equity and access of health services
for Māori.
Title: Māori health disparities in Aotearoa New Zealand
Write a 2000-word essay that includes the following aspects:
Learning Outcome 1 Analyse the health experience of Māori and the possible explanations for health
Choose one (1) focus for your essay: diabetes.
Discuss the implications of colonisation, racism and the social determinants of health on the chosen
health focus.
Provide an introduction (approximately 150 words)
Main body (approximately 1200 words)
Define keywords i.e. health disparities, equity, racism, colonization
Explain how historical events, particularly colonisation, and contemporary events have resulted in
health disparities for Māori.
The evidence of health disparities across a range of health outcomes, including but not limited to life
expectancy, morbidity, mortality, and prevalence of chronic conditions is considered, including
reference to statistics.
Compare and contrast health disparities between Māori and non-Māori in relation to your chosen
essay focus.
Analyse how health disparities impact on equity and access of health services for Māori.
Provide a conclusion (approximately 150 words) 
Essay title is comprehensively explored in
all criteria.
Key words are defined
Historical events, particularly colonisation are
discussed in relation to health disparities for
The evidence of health disparities across a
range of health outcomes, including but not
limited to life expectancy, morbidity,
mortality, and prevalence of chronic
conditions is considered.
Health disparities between Māori and non-
Māori in relation to your chosen essay focus
are compared and contrasted, including
reference to statistics.
How health disparities impact on equity and
access of health services for Māori is analysed 

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