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I need help starting my eventual final project which will be a strategic plan fo

I need help starting my eventual final project which will be a strategic plan for a healthcare organization for expanding on its existing telehealth visit services to utilize it more for virtual visits, particularly patient hospital discharge follow-up and to help manage care of chronic disease patients to improve patient outcomes, access, and costs. 
This first part (known as milestone one), will be to answer these simple questions:
1. What is the topic of your project? 
2. What issue will you focus on?
What organization will this impact? 
3. Why did you select this issue?
Reflect on future milestones. 
4. Based on the milestones for this course, can you realistically complete your strategic plan presentation with this topic?
I would like each question to have its own paragraph unless makes more sense to do otherwise, but needs to flow as a short essay/paper. Must cite APA and use sources.
I do have notes and some resources already gathered (in blue) on the guideline/rubric document provided.
I also included a copy of my brief discussion about doing this topic for my final project and my instructor’s feedback in the “HCM490 Week 1 Discussioln” file for reference to get you started as well, which also includes some sources.

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