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PURPOSE: The purpose of the final course paper is to better understand the significance ofdifferent contexts (i.e., ecological settings) on the development of adolescents. For this paperyou will process, synthesize

PURPOSE: The purpose of the final course paper is to better understand the significance of
different contexts (i.e., ecological settings) on the development of adolescents. For this paper
you will process, synthesize (i.e., integrate your argument into one cohesive argument), and
apply course content to a topic you are most interested in as a demonstration of what you’ve
learned throughout the semester.
It is important that you follow these final paper instructions. Please note that your paper will
be processed through Turnitin or another plagiarism-detection software. If Turnitin suggests
that more than 30% of your paper is plagiarized, you will receive a 0 for the paper. Be sure
to do your own work.
Please refer to the APA Manual (6th edition, American Psychological Association,
www.apastyle.org) for help with formatting. APA formatting in all aspects of the paper is
absolutely required, except for an abstract. NO ABSTRACT REQUIRED. Please see the rest
of these instructions and the sample provided for examples of proper formatting.
To successfully complete this assignment, your paper should include the following:
A brief introduction with a clear thesis
statement that identifies and defines the
selected research topic (see sample)
12 points
The two ecological perspectives are
identified, explained, and well-integrated
throughout the paper
12 points
Discussion section is included.
• Based upon your research, what
findings were of particular interest to
you for the selected topic?
• What are some limitations to the
research on your topic?
• What are suggestions for further
• What are the similarities and
differences of the adolescent
10 points
perspective based on the two
ecological settings you selected?
Implications section is included
• How is this topic relevant to
• Why is it important to understand the
contexts in which adolescents
5 Points
Conclusion section is included
• Without introducing any new
information, restate your thesis and
purpose of your paper and summarize
your key arguments/ main points.
5 points
Adequate research (studies, data, statistics) is
provided regarding the two ecological settings
chosen and the developmental perspective
• At least three articles, can include the
book with two additional peer-
reviewed articles.
15 points
Clarity of paper (paper is coherent, logically
written, and ideas are clearly presented)
4 points
Grammar 2 points
Paper meets the length requirements of 4-5
4 points
Proper APA format and Times New Roman
size 12 font
2 points
Works Cited and Cover page included 4 points (2 points for each)
TOTAL 75 points
You must use the course text and cite it in your paper. You should cite the text for every concept
you refer to in the paper (Santrock, J., 2018). Once per paragraph is usually sufficient.
“If you use a quotation from the text, you must use quotation marks like this and you must also
cite the page number” (Santrock J., 2018, p. 167).
On your references page, you must list the textbook and any other sources used in your paper.
(See sample.)
LENGTH REQUIREMENT: The required length for this paper is 4-5 pages, not including the
title page and reference page. Please keep your paper within these length guidelines: No less
than 4 pages of your writing, and no more than 5 pages of your writing.

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