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Locate and share a judicial or court employee or correctional employee code of conduct in the United States of America. Briefly describe the code of conduct. • Identify at least 2 specific items in the selected

• Locate and share a judicial or court employee or correctional employee code of conduct in the United States of America. Briefly describe the code of conduct.

• Identify at least 2 specific items in the selected code of conduct and explain how they are relevant to laws, public policies, sentencing, and/or the treatment of an incarcerated individual.

• Share a specific example of how a judge or court employee, or correctional/prison employee (Warden, Captain, etc.) could use the code of conduct to support the resolution of an ethical dilemma.

2nd part Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word analysis of sentencing guidelines and related public policies. Make sure this is based on The United States of America sentencing guidelines. Address the following in your paper:

• Identify the 2 crimes you researched.

• Describe the sentencing guidelines in your state for each crime.

• Compare the sentencing guidelines for adult offenders and juvenile offenders for each crime.

• Compare the sentencing guidelines of your state to the guidelines of another state and the guidelines at the federal level for each crime.

• Describe public policies and trends that influenced the sentencing guidelines in your state for the crimes you researched.

• Explain the impetus for the public policies and data that supported the public policies.

• Propose a change to the sentencing policies in your state for the crimes researched and substantiate your proposal with support from research on the benefits of this change.

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