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Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your

Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your idea using the current trend/issue will benefit this community/organization (be sure to discuss the improvements to their health and fitness and support it with current literature) Describe how your idea using this current trend/issue will be (or has been) implemented (For this, you may want to begin with a description of the current state of the organization/community and their current practices). All of the above should justify the use of a current trend and your idea for implementation for the benefit of this organization/community (current research will help here, as well) Keep in mind, that you have already written an introduction to all (or most) of these items. The purpose of this paper is for you to add depth and breadth to your project, along with additional (refined) ideas for implementation Additional Instructions Your submission must be attached as a WORD document only. All references (6-8 peer-reviewed references required), in-text citations, and narrative must be in APA format. You are to construct a paper that has a solid introduction, body, and conclusion that addresses all items listed above. Hint: If you use the above items as section headings, you will have an easier time including all of the requirements. The layout of your paper may look something like what is outlined following this paragraph. Suggested headings are in bold. Please keep in mind that you may use different headings and that what is listed below is for purposes of example and does not depict APA formatting. Introduction In this section you will identify and describe a community or organization of interest to you, as well as a description of a current trend and how you can use it to benefit this community/organization. In essence, you will be describing what you are about to write about. Community or organization of Interest Describe Identify why this is important to you and why they are open to this Current Trend Describe trend and its importance Back up with appropriate references Health and/or fitness problem in that community or organization Explanation of the health and/or fitness problem in that community or organization Why this trend is appropriate for this organization/community Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on Use of this current trend/issue to benefit this community/organization how you plan on using the current trend/issue to benefit this community/organization Summary Conclusion The basics of APA formatting: Include a title page 5-7 pages in length (this requirement does not include the title or reference pages) Please feel free to include appropriate graphics and photos Include an appropriately formatted reference list (6-8 references) Please keep in mind that if a resource is listed on your reference list at the end of a paper, it must first have been used in the body of your paper as an in-text citation 1” margins all around (no additional indenting –except 1st line of each paragraph Double-spaced throughout paper APA in-text citations and reference formatting is required 12-point, times new roman or arial The majority of the paper should be written in 3rd person –this means no personal opinions, no sentences with “I” “my” or other 1st person text. This is an academic/scientific paper; with the caveat that you will also be including information about your project that pertains to your actions. Your submission must be attached as a WORD document only.

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