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This is an Argument Paper. Develop a claim with two reasons about the Novel: A Lesson Before Dying. Develop a counter-claim and rebuttal. A minimum of five paragraphs. A minimum of three pages.

This is an Argument Paper. Develop a claim with two reasons about the Novel: A Lesson Before Dying. Develop a counter-claim and rebuttal. A minimum of five paragraphs. A minimum of three pages. A minimum of six sources, one primary source and five secondary sources from EBSCO., etc. See the Research Paper Checklist below for detailed instructions.

Research Paper Checklist

• The header is 0.5″ from the top of the page, at the right margin, and includes the last name and the page number.
• The heading is 1″ from the top of the page, at the left margin, with your name, teacher’s name, class name, and date in proper order.
• You have an appropriate title with less than ten words.
• The paper is in proper MLA format: double-spaced, with 1″ margins, font-Times New Roman size 12, and paragraphs are indented.
• Document order is paper, works cited, and outline.

• The paper is at least three full pages and no more than ten pages.
• Your paper has a minimum of five paragraphs.
• The paper is free of plagiarism, and the sources used have parenthetical citations.
• All sources have come from properly vetted databases.
• The paper has a balanced use of primary source and secondary sources.
• The paper contains one block quote and no more than ten direct quotes.
• The paper has a thesis that contains your claim, two reasons, and a counter-argument.
• The paper has two confirmation paragraphs, a counter-argument, and a rebuttal.
• The paper has unity and coherence and uses transitional words.
• The point of view should be third person. Do not use the first or second person.
• The tense should be present tense.

Works Cited
• The page has a proper header.
• The title “Works Cited” is centered one inch from the top of the page.
• Contains a minimum of six sources (your primary source and five secondary sources) and no more than ten.
• Multiple sources by the same person are considered one source.
• Encyclopedias do NOT count as a source. They may be used for background information, and they have to be cited, but they do not count as a source.
• All secondary sources come from approved databases (EBSCO, JStor, Magnolia, Bloom’s) or approved library sources. You are prohibited from using Google.
• Sites such as CliffNotes, Spark Notes, Enotes, Book Rags, Cram.Com, Bartleby, Cummings, LitCharts, etc., under no circumstances, should be cited or used as a source. They are strictly forbidden, and their use will result in a zero.
• Each source MUST have been cited in the paper with the PROPER use of parenthetical citations. Sources that are not cited in the paper will not count.
• All sources are in alphabetical order with the proper use of a hanging indent.

• The outline has a properly centered title.
• The page has a proper header.
• The thesis statement follows the title flush at the left margin.
• The outline is in proper MLA format with main topics, subtopics, and sub-subtopics.
• Each A has a B, and each 1 has a 2.
• Each topic has a proper parallel structure.
• The first word of each topic is capitalized.
• The topic numbers/letters’ periods line up.
• There are no one-word topics.
• Do not use clauses/complete sentences on the topic outline.

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