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Deliverable Overview – provide a high level overview of your learning design deliverable. The final deliverable for this project will be an e-learning module that provides a comprehensive intr

ALD Outline Template

Title of Learning Design Deliverable: Introduction to Moodle for Instructors and Students at the University of Nouakchott

Deliverable Overview – provide a high level overview of your learning design deliverable.

The final deliverable for this project will be an e-learning module that provides a comprehensive introduction to Moodle, including how to navigate the system, create and manage courses, and engage with the various features and tools available. The key objective of the learning experience is to equip instructors and students at the University of Nouakchott with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use Moodle for teaching and learning.

What will your final deliverable be?

•           The final deliverable will be an e-learning module that provides a comprehensive introduction to Moodle.

What is the big shift you hope your learners gain as a result of the learning experience?

•           The big shift that I hope learners will gain as a result of this learning experience is the ability to effectively use Moodle for teaching and learning.

What is your selected format for the learning experience (asynchronous, synchronous, Canvas course, self-paced, LMS)?

•           The selected format for the learning experience is asynchronous and self-paced.

Why did you select this as your learning experience?

•           I selected this learning experience as it provides flexibility to learners and allows them to learn at their own pace.

Learner Analysis – using your learner personas, surface the needs and characteristics of your specific group of learners.

Demographics & Background

•           The target audience for this module includes instructors and students at the University of Nouakchott who have varying levels of familiarity with technology and online learning.

•           Students tend to use smartphones

Goals & Motivators

•           gain the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use Moodle for teaching and learning

•           increasing confidence and comfort level with using technology for learning

•           enhancing engagement and collaboration within the university community

Obstacles / Pain Points / Frustrations

•           access to technology

•           reliable internet connectivity across the university community

Attitudes & Preferences

•           prior knowledge of Moodle

•           comfort level with using technology

•           motivation for learning about the system

Learning Context – dive deeper into the learning context and surface any constraints that might exist in the learning context

Setting – where will your learners be learning and why?

•           The e-learning module will be delivered online

•           accessible to learners via a web browser

•           Difficulty to gather hundreds of students and faculty members

Modality & Conditions – what affordances or constraints does this learning context offer?

•           The learning experience will be delivered asynchronously and self-paced

•           learners must have access to a computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

Connection to Performance Context – what is the performance context? How does it connect to the learning context?

•           performance context involves the effective use of Moodle for teaching and learning

•           learning context aims to equip instructors and students with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve this

Learning Goals & Outcomes – provide at least 3 goal statements with a minimum of 2 outcome statements per goal.

Goal 1: To enable learners to navigate the Moodle interface and locate important features and tools.

•           Outcome 1A: Learners will be able to locate and use Moodle’s course management tools.

•           Outcome 1B: Learners will be able to navigate the Moodle interface with confidence.

Goal 2: To enable learners to create and manage a Moodle course, including adding resources and activities.

•           Outcome 2A: Learners will be able to create and customize Moodle courses.

•           Outcome 2B: Learners will be able to add resources and activities to Moodle courses.

Goal 3: To enable learners to engage with students or instructors using Moodle’s communication and collaboration tools.

•           Outcome 3A: Learners will be able to use Moodle’s communication tools to interact with other users.

•           Outcome 3B: Learners will be able to collaborate effectively with other users through Moodle.

Optional Goal X: To enable learners to understand the benefits and limitations of Moodle as a learning management system.

•           Outcome XA:

•           Outcome XB:

Assessment & Evaluation – outline your formative and summative assessment plan to assess how learners are making progress towards the goals and outcomes.

Formative Assessment (timing & format)

•           Formative assessment will be incorporated throughout the e-learning module

•           Using quizzes and interactive activities to check for understanding and reinforce key concepts.

Summative Assessment (timing & format)

•           Summative assessment will consist of a final quiz to evaluate learners’ achievement of the learning outcomes.

Feedback Strategy

•           a combination of automated feedback mechanisms, such as quizzes and interactive activities

Learning Activities – outline at least 3 learning activities you will explore in your learning experience

Learning Activity #1

•           Interactive Tutorials: The e-learning module will include a series of interactive tutorials that will guide learners through the process of navigating the Moodle interface and using its features and tools. These tutorials will be designed to provide learners with hands-on experience using Moodle, and will include opportunities for learners to practice their skills and receive feedback on their progress.

Learning Activity #2

•           Self-Reflection Exercises: To help learners reflect on their learning and monitor their progress, the e-learning module will include several self-reflection exercises. These exercises may ask learners to reflect on their own teaching or learning practices, and consider how they can incorporate Moodle into their workflows. Self-reflection exercises will encourage learners to be more self-aware and reflective practitioners, which will help them to continuously improve their teaching or learning practices.

Learning Activity #3

•           Case Studies: Learners will be presented with real-world scenarios and case studies that require them to apply their knowledge of Moodle in practical contexts. These case studies will challenge learners to think critically and creatively, and will help them develop problem-solving skills that they can apply to their own teaching or learning contexts.

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