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Outline of Clinical Diagnostic Social Work Case Presentation Throughout our social work career, we will likely seek out a consultation on a specific client ca

SWK 620                                                                                                         100 Points

Outline of Clinical Diagnostic Social Work Case Presentation

Throughout our social work career, we will likely seek out a consultation on a specific client case. Thus, presenting a case to a supervisor, colleagues or expert in the field can be very beneficial in leading us in taking a new direction in the case. We may have also completed an unusual or challenging case that colleagues would benefit from learning about for their own professional development.

In this final assignment, you are being asked to prepare a clinical diagnostic case presentation (using PowerPoint) in a demonstration of an advanced practice perspective/intervention model for practice that is taken from your MSW experience. This case might be complex or puzzling to you where you might be seeking a case consultation. The outline of the presentation is provided below:

(Please also include a title slide and a references slide. This presentation is to be prepared in the 3rd person)

Content of the Case Presentation (You may include 1-2 slides per area of the presentation):

1. Reason for Referral and Presenting Problem

· Describe the presenting problem or chief complaint and the reason why the client is seeking services.

o You might include any triggers or events that have exasperated the problems.

· The presenting problem can also be referred to as the client’s chief complaint.

o Example: Mary presents with multiple concerns related to an unfulfilling marriage, potential loss of employment, and concerns over her husband’s gambling.

· Besides referral information, you may include the client’s perception of his/her problems and his/her expressed goals for treatment (provide direct quotes if you can).

2. Description of the Client

· Include age, gender, cultural factors or relevant information.

· Include client’s current situation, SES, living situation & significant others.

· Briefly, describe any social supports or community resources utilized by the client.

· Describe the clients level of functioning including physical appearance; cognitive, behavioral and emotional presentation.

o   The Mental Status Evaluationmay be included to describe the client’s level of functioning.

3. Brief Pertinent Life History

· Family of origin: Composition and relationships among family members; social/cultural/SES background; mental illness, substance use & traumas in the family. What is known of patient’s early developmental history, significant relationships, and school experiences? Relationship, education, work & leisure pursuits’ history throughout client’s lifetime.

· Current family situation: Composition, background, history, and relationships. If applicable, include immigration history, relevant medical history, and military service, problems with the law/incarceration; substance use/abuse; and any other significant events. Include any pertinent cultural, SES, and other social factors that have affected client’s development and functioning.

4. Past History of the Presenting Problem or Psychiatric/Medical History

· Describe the history of the presenting problem or past psychiatric or medical history.

· If relevant, include dates, lengths, and mode of treatments, including any crises or history of hospitalization or treatment and precipitating factors if known.

· This can include the history of compliance or lack of follow through with treatment, and patient’s perception of past treatments or the awareness (or denial) of the need for past treatment (include direct quotes if you can).

5. Clinical Impressions of Concerns and Strengths

· Include your clinical impressions of the client’s concerns or preliminary DSM-5 diagnosis. Any secondary diagnoses and rule-outs may also be presented.

· You may add any non-DSM diagnostic/clinical hunches you believe that may be helpful in formulating your clinical impressions of the client’s concerns.

· Also, include a description of the client strengths that can be drawn upon.

6. Treatment Planning

· Include a chosen treatment approach and mutually agreed upon goals for the treatment including clear short term and long term.

· Include a rationale for choosing a particular treatment approach and perceived “fit” between the approach and client’s concern.

· This section should integrate professional literature/evidence research with client’s clinical concerns/diagnosis and background. (At least 2 scholarly–published sources [no websites]).

7. Brief Summary of Treatment

· Identify treatment strategies used by you, including a rationale for use.

· Describe how you carried out treatment strategies, including how you used the therapeutic relationship to implement intervention strategies.

· Include a description of the length of treatment and process of termination.

· Describe the client’s response to treatment.

8. Monitoring of Treatment Outcomes

· Discuss progress towards the treatment/intervention and agreed upon goals of treatment and any other clinical impressions of improvement.

· This section should include a description of how treatment outcomes are/were monitored.

· Also, include your impressions of how helpful the overall treatment interventions have been for the client.

9. Clinical Case Summary

· Drawing on your final impressions, provide a brief summary of the case.

· Discuss any areas of the case that was unexpected (areas that went well or challenges).

o   You might also include obstacles to treatment (unexpected interruptions/crises or crises outside factors (illness, divorce, or moving to a new location).

· Discuss any areas of the case that are confusing or that puzzled you.

o   This might be related to the client or you as the therapist.

· Finally, discussed what you learned by presenting this case.

10. Professionally Prepared Presentation and Quality & Format of Writing

· The presentation is to be professionally prepared (design and esthetics).

o   Choose a design that esthetically appropriate and not too flashy or too busy.

· It is recommended that bullet points be included in the slides to divide the presentation into talking points for easier viewing and so the readers do not have to try and review paragraphs.

o    Thus, paragraphs are not recommended in a PowerPoint presentation.

· Slides should not be too dense or too packed with information. If needed, topics may be continued on 2 slides.

· The presentation is to be well written & well organized and free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Appropriate sources are to be included.

· Please use professional 3rd person language in the presentation (the writer, this presenter, this intern).

Clinical Diagnostic Social Work Case Presentation Grading Rubric


Capstone (A)

Benchmark (B)

Emerging Skill (C)

Not Competent (D/F)


Reason for Referral & Presenting Problem

a thorough and detailed description of the
reason for referral & presenting problem.  10

a good description of the

reason for referral & presenting problem
. 8 pts.

a partial description of the

reason for referral & presenting problem
. 7

to no description of the

reason for referral & presenting problem
included. 60 pts.



___ of 10

Description of the Client

a thorough and detailed description of
10 pts.

a good description of the client.
8 pts.

a partial description of the client. 7pts.

to no description of the client included
. 6 – 0 pts.


___ of 10

Brief Pertinent Life


Includes a thorough
and detailed description of
life history.
10 pts.

Includes a good description
life history.
8 pts.

Includes a partial
description of
life history.
7 pts.

to no description of
life history

 6 – 0 pts.



___ of 10

Past History of 
Presenting Problem Psychiatric /Medical History
(Ψ or med Hx)

a thorough and detailed description of
history of the presenting problem – Ψ or med Hx
. 10

a good description of
history of the presenting problem – Ψ or med Hx
. 8

a partial description of
history of the presenting problem – Ψ or med Hx
. 7 pts.

to no description of
history of the presenting problem
– Ψ or med Hx included.6 – 0 pts.



___ of 10

Clinical Impressions
(Concerns and Strengths)

a thorough and detailed description of
10 pts.

a good description of
8 pts.

a partial description of
7 pts.

to no description of
clinical impressions
included. 6 – 0 pts.



___ of 10

Treatment (Tx) Planning

a thorough and detailed description of Tx planning. 10 pts.

a good description of Tx planning. 8

a partial description of Tx planning. 7

to no description of
Tx planning included.

6 –
0 pts.



___ of 10

Summary of Treatment

a thorough and detailed description of the summary of Tx. 10 pts.

a good description of the summary of Tx.

8 pts.

a partial description of the summary of Tx. 7 pts.

to no description of the summary of Tx included.

6 –
0 pts.



___ of 10

Monitoring of
Treatment (Tx) Outcomes


a thorough and detailed description of Tx outcomes. 10 pts.

a good description of Tx outcomes. 8

a partial description of Tx outcomes. 7

to no description of Tx outcomes included.

6 –
0 pts.



___ of 10

Clinical Case Summary

a thorough and detailed clinical case summary. 10 pts.

a good clinical case summary. 8 pts.

a partial clinical case summary. 7

to no clinical case summary included.
6 – 0 pts.


___ of 10

Presentation &  Quality &
Format of Writing

Presentation is professionally
prepared & very well written & organized & free of grammatical,
spelling or punctuation errors. Very appropriate sources.

Presentation professionally
prepared & is nicely written, organized with some grammatical, spelling
or punctuation errors. Appropriate sources.

Presentation is professionally
somewhat prepared & written & organized somewhat well; with quite a
number of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Sources somewhat appropriate.  7pts.

Presentation is not somewhat or written
well, disorganization noted & multiple grammatical, spelling or
punctuation errors noted.
Sources not appropriate.

 6 – 0 pts.




___ of 10







(Revised: Dr. Susan McFeaters, 2021)

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