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Case Study for Fitness Training Plan Sofia, a 20-year-old university junior has decided that she wants to run a 5K (3.1 Miles) race to help raise money for charity in 3 months. Her goal is to run the 5K in

Activity #11: Aerobic Fitness Training Plan

Instructions: Read the following case study, answer the questions, and create a training plan. You may type directly on the document, print it out and write on it, or use your own sheet of paper. Upload the Word doc or PDF file to Canvas. The assignment is worth 20 pts.


For this activity, you will design a training program that focuses on Aerobic Fitness for a fictional person. You will design a training schedule for the individual based on the information provided with the case study. You will write out a weekly training plan for the start of their training (Week 1), for the middle (Week 6), and for the end of their training (Week 12).

Case Study for Fitness Training Plan

Sofia, a 20-year-old university junior has decided that she wants to run a 5K (3.1 Miles) race to help raise money for charity in 3 months. Her goal is to run the 5K in under 25 minutes. She hasn’t been doing any physical activity as of late except walking to classes.

As a friend, you offer to help her design a training program to prepare her for the 5K in 3 months. You put her through a number of tests and assessments. Here are the results:

· 130 lbs; 5 feet, 7 inches tall

· Resting HR = 70 bpm

· Walks 3,000 – 4,000 steps most days at a light intensity getting around campus. She seldom runs and does almost no vigorous activity. She does no strength training

· Bench press results were below average.

· Leg press results were below average.

· She is able to complete 5 push-ups per minute, 10 sit-ups per minute, and 15 bench hops per minute.

· She completes a 1.5-mile run in 18:00 (12-minute miles or 5 mi/hr) with an average HR of 160 bpm and average RPE 15; she was quite tired at the end of the run.

· Her flexibility is average.

Training Plan Overview

This information must be neatly printed.

1. Answer the following questions based on the case study.

a. What are Sofia’s specific personal aerobic fitness goals? (2 points)

b. What are Sofia’s areas of strength in terms of aerobic fitness? (2 points)

c. What are Sofia’s areas of weakness in terms of aerobic fitness? (2 points)

d. Calculate Sofia’s estimated maximum heart rate. Calculate her 70-80% heart rate training zone. Show your calculations. (2 points)

2. Design her training program for the beginning, middle, and end weeks using the weekly plan attached. The forms for the training plans are on the next three pages. Make sure to include important principles of Aerobic Fitness Training such as progression, periodization, and cross training. (12 points)

· Intensity – You must use HR values or RPE in order to measure intensity. For example, only using “Light” is not a sufficient response. Instead, you may say 60-70% of HR max or show the actual calculated numbers. You may also use the Borg Scale values to indicate RPE.

· Time – This needs to be set as time in minutes or calories used.

· Type – What type of activity is she performing? Be specific

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